Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back for good.

I missed a lot of things, haven't I?
Looking back, it is just a part of my journey.

I smiled.
I fell. Real hard.
I cried.
I rose.
I laughed.

Despite the many bad things that happened, I appreciate all of it. Optimist is what I am. Even though sometimes being a pessimist means not having to take risks, I am willing to explore challenges ahead of me.

I'm learning from the past mistakes and moving on at the same time. The happy memories are kept close to keep me moving. When moving is too slow, I take a leap.

I have to admit that I do long for blogging. Blogging ain't my cup of tea. But I do like taking a few sips once in a while.

And since I'm back, I guess I'm back for good.
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