Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chap Goh Meh

Every year when it comes to Chap Goh Meh, I had this indescribable feelings.
It's not sad and it's not happy either.

I just don't want Chinese New Year to be over so soon.
Last year I made my friend wish me Happy CNY before 12am. Haha.
It's 10.15pm now.

I'm still half way through my Final Year Project report.
Not much time left.
My supervisor said if I work like a donkey, I would be able to finish it.

From tomorrow onwards, I'm going to work like a donkey for the next 2 months.
Why donkey?
I don't know.

I could be a cow, but if my supervisor said donkey, he must have his own reason.
Why not tortoise?
Tortoises are slow. Even when making love.

They are smart though.I'm still listening to chinese new year song.
One hour left.
Happy Chinese New Year.
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
May you all have a wonderful ratty year.

Bray bray.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


The picture of us after the interview. See how relieved we were after the interview.

Smiles everywhere.
And of course a bit tired.

The interviewers were nice though. It was like chatting with a senior with the exception that we need to impress them.

The interview was held at Mandarin Oriental Hotel in KL.
A 5 star hotel located at Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) not far away from Malaysia's tallest (or world's tallest?) buildings, the 88-storey Petronas Twin Towers.

No reply from the company yet.
It's been 2 weeks.
Hopefully by next week I'll receive good news from them.

Either it's good or bad I won't react like my fren did.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy Mousy Year!!!

One entry before CNY...

Just came back from KL yesterday...=p
The interview wasn't that bad after all. I don't think I impressed the interviewer but it was a good try...

It was a tiring journey yet a fun one of course with a group of my course mates. Actually almost half of us were reluctant to attend the interview considering the offers the company might give. Anyway we attended the interview. Haha.

No pictures to upload yet. I'll try to put more pictures on my next entry.

My friend JH told me that he won't date any gals in one year time. We'll see. Let's see what happen next. I say he will definitely found one in 6 months time. He's to desperate for a gal.

My dad's coming to fetch me. I haven't packed!!!

Happy Mousy Year!!!
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!
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