Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm multitasking. Feeling dizzy the whole day.
Guys are not good at multitasking after all. I see girls doing their work and talk at the same time and they do perfectly fine. Not that I'm talking and working. I'm working and working. These few months I begin to realize that even though I appear to be studying I'm like my other friends as well, working like hell.

This multitasking is taking me nowhere. I need to stop.
Doing one thing at a time. One baby step at a time. Sucking milk from bottle before drinking from a cup.

If I can survive this month, I can try running.
If I can survive next month, I can try running faster.
If I can survive the next month, I'll sit down in a nice restaurant and reward myself.

I'm feeling sleepy. But something inside me tells me that I cannot sleep. Not now. Later.

Speaking of multitasking, I should get back to work.

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